Festival News
Second auditorium opening for the Opening Gala
For the opening film, auditorium 5 is packed to the brim and we have organized an additional auditorium with the Cinemaxx! Tickets for the opening spectacle on Wednesday are now available again (at a special price).
Mox sponsors short film award
The culture magazine Mox supports the short film section of the Filmfest Oldenburg and raises the endowment of the German Independence Award - Best Short Film by 500€
The program is complete. Closing film “Marcello Mio”, a special Friday Gala and other line-up highlights
The festival celebrates its Closing Night Gala with the German premiere of Christophe Honoré's “Marcello Mio”, whose director was honored with a retrospective in 2016. On Friday evening, a unique gala event with a live concert and a world premiere of an international film project initiated by Filmfest Oldenburg will be presented at the Staatstheater.
The Oldenburg International Film Festival honors Dominik Graf with a retrospective
Dominik Graf is not only one of the greatest filmmakers in the German-speaking realm, but also a great cineaste who loves and knows cinema like no other. Looking at his work and in particular his genre films is like examining cinema, the evolution of film and the ramifications for social debates - far beyond Germany's borders.
Oldenburg Honors Myanmar Artists in Exile with 2024 Tribute as 1st Line-Up Highlights are announced
“What happened to the Wolf” by Na Gyi and Paing Phyo Thu had its world premiere in Oldenburg at the 28th Film Festival. Since the military coup in Myanmar in 2021, artists from all over the country went into hiding, including Na Gyi and Paing Phyo Thu. Now the 31st Oldenburg International Film Festival is dedicating a tribute to the filmmakers to honor their art and draw public attention to Myanmar.
Festival Trailer 2024
This years trailer is a homage to one of the most unknown classics in film history, Chris Marker's “La Jetée”.
"Traumnovelle" (Dream Story) by Florian Frerichs opens the 31st Oldenburg International Filmfest with a world premiere
Nikolai Kinski and Laurine Price portray Jacob and Amelia, a married couple whose seemingly stable life is upended when Jacob uncovers that a stranger has been the center of his wife’s secret fantasies. Driven to explore his own suppressed desires, Jacob embarks on a journey. Over the course of one fateful night, the carefully constructed façade of their bourgeois existence begins to unravel, exposing the repressed passions and unspoken longings beneath.
Winner Photos 2023
The directorial debut of the German actress, who lives in Los Angeles, will open the Oldenburg International Film Festival as a world premiere. Eva Hassmann will be joined on screen by New Hollywood legend Peter Bogdanovich in his final role and country music icon Willie Nelson, who also contributed his songs to the film's soundtrack.
World Premiere of Eva Hassmann's "Willie and Me" to Open the 30th Anniversary Edition of the Oldenburg International Film Festival
The German-born, LA-based actress Eva Hassmann will open the 30th Edition of the Oldenburg International Film Festival with the World Premiere of her directorial debut. On screen, Eva Hassmann stars alongside country music icon Willie Nelson and New Hollywood legend Peter Bogdanovich in his final performance.
The Oldenburg International Film Festival Enters the Metaverse: In partnership with The MILC Platform and The Film Verdict
In a groundbreaking collaboration that aims to set a new standard for the convergence of technology and the arts, we are thrilled to announce that the renowned Oldenburg International Film Festival has partnered with the innovative teams at the MILC Platform and The Film Verdict to put feet onto the ground of a new world known as the Metaverse.
Award winners of the 29th Oldenburg International Film Festival, Highlights of the festival and final report
For five days, the international world of independent cinema was a guest at the 29th Oldenburg International Film Festival
Verdict: On Board for Oldenburg Discoveries
The Oldenburg International Film Festival known for its creativity, independence, vibrant selections of films is thrilled to announce collaboration with the Film Verdict, whose Critics will be on the ground for the fests 29th edition, publishing the digital Oldenburg Review Daily.
Meet the guests of Honor: Peter and John Hyams
On Friday, August 16th, we will be streaming a talk with our special guests Peter and John Hyams about their retrospective live from Oldenburg at 8:30 p.m.
Podiumsdiskussion zum Zustand der deutschen Filmkritik: »Wer stirbt zuerst?«
Am Freitag, den 15. September fand im Rahmen des 29. Internationalen Filmfest Oldenburg eine Podiumsdiskussion zum »Zustand der deutschen Filmkritik« statt.
Filmfest Oldenburg ehrt Andrea Rau mit einem Tribute und gibt komplettes Programm bekannt
Das Filmfest widmet sein Tribute der Schauspielerin Andrea Rau das Gesicht der sexuellen
Revolution der 60er Jahre im deutschen Film.
Außerdem freuen wir uns, nach ersten Highlights sowie dem Eröffnungsfilm »The Ordinaries«, nun das vollständige Programm des 29. Internationalen Filmfest Oldenburg zu veröffentlichen.
Revolution der 60er Jahre im deutschen Film.
Außerdem freuen wir uns, nach ersten Highlights sowie dem Eröffnungsfilm »The Ordinaries«, nun das vollständige Programm des 29. Internationalen Filmfest Oldenburg zu veröffentlichen.
Sophie Linnenbaums »The Ordinaries« eröffnet das 29. Internationale Filmfest Oldenburg
Durchgehend begeistert lobt die Kritik den Abschlussfilm an der Filmuniversität KONRAD WOLF für seine Originalität und seine ausgereifte Erzählung. Jüngst erhielt er beim Filmfest München den Förderpreis Neues Deutsches Kino für Regie und Produktion.
Oldenburg ehrt Peter und John Hyams mit der diesjährigen Retrospektive
Mit dem Vater-Sohn-Gespann ehrt das Filmfest erstmals zwei Filmemacher gemeinsam mit einer Retrospektive. Einflüsse ihrer Herkunft aus den bildenden Künsten, die Ausprägung einer Auteur-Idee inmitten der Studiomaschinerie Hollywoods und die Liebe zu humanistischen Details in scheinbar oberflächlichen Genres, verbinden das Werk beider.
The Festival Trailer 2022
This year's trailer is a collaboration with filmmaker Andreas Horvath, using footage from his latest film »Zoo Lockdown«
Siam Sinfonietta returns to Oldenburg
Thai composer, filmmaker, and novelist Somtow Sucharitkul returns to the Oldenburg International Film Festival with the Siam Sinfonietta for a Gala Concert at Lamberti Church.
Das Filmfest darf zurück hinter Gittern
Die Justizvollzugsanstalt Oldenburg und das Filmfest haben sich gemeinsam dazu entschieden, dieses Jahr wieder Filmvorführungen in der JVA zu ermöglichen.
Filmfest geht mit neuen Partnern an den Start
Vom 14. bis 18. September geht das Filmfest Oldenburg mit internationalen Highlights des jungen, unabhängigen Kinos in die nächste Runde. Mit Gästen, Publikum und im Kino.
MoMA honors Larry Fessenden with Major Retrospective
From March 30 to April 19, the Museum of Modern Art honors one of the pillars of indie and genre filmmaking with a career retrospective - Glass Eye Pix founder and longtime festival friend, Larry Fessenden. Fessenden first attended Oldenburg back in 1995, the second year of the Oldenburg Film Festival, with his now indie classic "Habit", and has been a regular presence with his films ever since.
Oscar nomination for Oldenburg's Afghan Festival entry "Three Songs for Benazir"
When the Academy Awards are presented on Sunday, March 28, there will be an entry from last year's Oldenburg Film Festival, which, as an initial outsider, is now leading some of the popular "Oscar Predictions" lists as a favorite. "Three Songs for Benazir" was nominated for Best Documentary Short Film, marking the first Oscar nomination for an Afghan filmmaker.
The Award Winners 2021
The 28th International Film Festival Oldenburg looks back on successful and exciting days. The Award Winners have been presented during the Closing Night Gala.
Tim Bruenings »Comeback« im Horst-Janssen-Museum
Kurz vor dem 28. Internationalen Filmfest Oldenburg startet am 09. September 2021 die Ausstellung »Comeback« des in Oldenburg aufgewachsenen Fotografen Tim Bruening.
Oldenburger Filmfest und Ols das passt: unabhängige Filmkultur und unabhängige Braukunst
Das Filmfest Oldenburg freut sich über den neuen regionalen Partner Ols, der die Stadt Oldenburg genau so repräsentiert wie das Filmfest selbst.
Oldenburg honors Laos first & only female director with the 2021 tribute
Filmfest Oldenburg honors Mattie Do with a tribute and presents one of the most exciting filmmakers between genre and arthouse cinema.
We are also pleased to announce the full program of the 28th Oldenburg International Film Festival.
We are also pleased to announce the full program of the 28th Oldenburg International Film Festival.
Film Festival Oldenburg honors Ovidio G. Assonitis with a Retrospective
With Alexandrian-born producer and director Ovidio G. Assonitis, this year's film festival honors an authentic and independent spirit whose films have been celebrated by fans and cineastes as a »Guilty Pleasure« and have inspired many filmmakers.
First highlights of the program
Oldenburg presents the German premiere of Julia Ducournau's second feature film »Titane« in a line-up featuring emerging filmmakers and established artists such as Nicolas Cage, Michael Shannon, Ron Perlman, and Oscar-winning visual effects genius Phil Tippett.
On the occasion of the world premiere of the Closing Night Gala Film »The Maestro«, world-renown conductor and composer Somtow Suchartikul will perform a live concert with his award-winning Siam Sinfonietta.
On the occasion of the world premiere of the Closing Night Gala Film »The Maestro«, world-renown conductor and composer Somtow Suchartikul will perform a live concert with his award-winning Siam Sinfonietta.
Der Festival-Trailer 2021
Der Trailer des 28. Filmfest Oldenburg feiert seine Weltpremiere auf der Pressekonferenz.
»Uppercut« by director Torsten Ruether opens the Oldenburg Film Festival
Unique in its origin story in the middle of the first Covid-19 lockdown, the film tells the story of one night and two people who could not be more different.
Ruether's directorial debut opens the festival as a world premiere.
Ruether's directorial debut opens the festival as a world premiere.
Fotosession im »Fast & Furious«-Style
Im August können an vier unterschiedlichen Tagen individuelle Portraits im »Fast & Furious«-Style erstellt werden. Im Festivalcenter im CORE Oldenburg steht die Fotoaktion unter dem Motto: #humansofoldenburg
Digitales Festival 2021: Streamingkooperation und Neuauflage der Wohnzimmer-Gala
Die VoD-Plattform Pantaflix bleibt Partner des Filmfest Oldenburg für die Umsetzung des virtuellen Festivalsegments. Zusätzlich kommt das Filmfest mit einer Wohnzimmer-Gala zu den Filmfans nach Hause.
»Red Carpet Moments«: Fotoausstellung startet und Fotowettbewerb findet statt
Das Filmfest Oldenburg präsentiert die besten Fotografien des letzten Filmfest-Fotowettbewerbs und lädt erneut zur Teilnahme ein.
Neue Partnerschaft setzt Zeichen in einer Medien- und Filmlandschaft im Wandel
Das Internationale Filmfest Oldenburg geht eine Medienpartnerschaft mit dem weltweit einflussreichsten Filmmagazin The Hollywood Reporter ein.
Kein Plan B im September für das Filmfest Oldenburg
Vom 15. bis zum 19. September wird es wieder Highlights des jungen, unabhängigen Kinos in Oldenburg zu entdecken geben. Mit Gästen, Publikum und im Kino.
Closing Night Gala und Preisträger
Mit dem 27. Internationalen Filmfest Oldenburg geht eine ganz besondere Festival-Ausgabe mit vielen Herausforderungen und unvergesslichen Momenten zu Ende. Im Rahmen der Closing Night Gala wurden heute Abend die Preisträger gekürt.
Program Highlight and Festival Trailer
World Premieres Dominate as Oldenburg Honors Discoveries Amidst Crisis while Hosting “Living Room Gala” Premieres and pays homage to film fans.
Der Festival-Trailer 2020
Der diesjährige Festivaltrailer ist eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion von Filmfest-Fans aus Oldenburg und der ganzen Welt, die gemeinsam die verbindende Kraft des Kinos feiern. Das Filmfest hat aufgerufen, Filme einzureichen, in denen man seinen Weg auf die heimische Couch zeigen sollte, um die #stayathome Situation emotional zu bebildern.
Oldenburg honors legendary filmmaker William Friedkin
The iconic American filmmaker will be honored with a retrospective at the 27th Edition of the Oldenburg International Film Festival. The retrospective will be accompanied by the German premiere of Alexandre O. Philippe’s documentary „Leap of Faith“. William Friedkin will be in attendance in Oldenburg via virtual cinema, in a special highlight Q&A event which will be live worldwide for audiences.
Oldenburg teams up with Pantaflix for a virtual festival segment
The Film Festival comes home to film fans with a series of Living Room Gala premieres.
Oldenburg is going ahead as planned in September
Oldenburg Indie Film Festival Planning Hybrid Event Amid Pandemic